
First Light Natural Health Parenting Kit 3 x 20ml

First Light Natural Health Parenting Kit 3 x 20ml

The First Light Natural Health?Parenting Kit?contains three flower essence blends that gently support the emotional needs of parent and child. They support emotional bonding, emotional strength, balance and healthy independence. The unique combination of New Zealand native plants in this kit holistically support the whole family to navigate the dynamics of the family unit.


Kit Contains:

  • Mothers Support

  • Calm Kidz燬upport

  • Crisis燬upport

    ?View all燜irst Light Natural Health Products



    How to use:

    Easy to use 20ml oral drops. Place 2-4 drops directly under the tongue.

    Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily.

    Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily

    Alternatively add 8 drops to a bottle of water and drink throughout the day. Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required. For maximum benefit, once the 20ml oral dropper bottle is opened, continue taking until the bottle is finished.

    The oral drops in this kit can be taken together or separately.



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